"Queen & Freddie Mercury - INNUENDOES"...
Book: - ISBN 0953118975

CD ROM: - ISBN 0953118916
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Front of Book/CD ROM

Here within this reference site, are quotes taken from the Queen and Freddie Mercury book:




        Within the INNUENDOES book, there are 3 stories in all - that is, a story within a story, within a story. If you want the real Freddie, you're just going to have to work for it. His story doesn't come easy - but it is there for you written in plain black and white. This "Under the surface writing" has been done on purpose, merely to protect Freddie from people who are just looking to get the dirt on his life. If you want the true Freddie and you want his TRUTH, then look for it - it's there, it's been written within the book to you to find. Remember, a Story, within a Story, within a Story. It is your task as the Detective, to solve all of the riddles within the book, in a bid to solve the overall Riddle. But a very important point to remember is that "All of the facts and details included within this book are True and I do mean all of them, even the weird stuff". As stated it is for you to solve the written mystery, which means putting Freddie's puzzle together - "What was he up to, what did he aim to do and why?" Remember, don't underestimate Freddie, he knew what he was up to, even if they didn't - He was one very clever man. As for whether Queen entertained the overall Mind Game - well, it is for you to figure out their role in all of this as well.
At the risk of placing you into somewhat of baffling area, it should be explained that one of the subjects covered in the book INNUENDOES is the so-called Fairy Tale that Freddie refers to within Queen music, which is in the main, about Lily and the Phoenix. I think that it is at this point, that I should give a warning - Please do not take this music to heart and just take the music as it is read. Because if you try to work out all of the connections as held within this Website, or the book INNUENDOES, as Freddie so rightly says - "You might get Fried" and believe me, one Fried Chicken is enough.
        But if you do try to work it all out just take heed, you could go Slightly Mad as the man puts it. So just take it as it is and just remember to use your own LOGIC, then you will be fine. Where Mind Games or the Fairy Tale are concerned, the main question you have to ask yourself whilst reading all of the information on this Web site or in the book is: "Is this a Coincidence, or is there a Connection?"...
        Also included in the book "Queen and Freddie Mercury - INNUENDOES", is a Chart called the `Numbers Game which translates words into numbers. And this Chart was Freddie's Destiny Chart. For instance the word "Phoenix" which Freddie said represented the hopes and dreams that he harboured for Queen as drawn on the Queen Emblem, works out as 91/46 this is Freddie's date of birth 1946 or life span 46 - 91. Anything with a 46 or 64 is in reference to either Freddie (1946) or Lily his exact reverse, being 1964. The `Numbers Game which was Freddie's Destiny chart, derives from the workings of the `Magi (Zoroastrianism this was the religion that Freddie was born into). And the workings of the `Numbers Game explains how Freddie managed to work things out in advance for the Phoenix and Lily Story (as referred to in the book INNUENDOES). Remember, Freddie was born in 1946, whilst Lily being his reverse or mirror, was born in 1964. As stated you can find the complete `Numbers Game in the new Queen and Freddie Mercury book INNUENDOES, and the `Numbers Game will help you solve the Queen Riddle. The `Numbers Game itself is featured within this Website, but to find the complete listing of the code words that come with Freddie's destiny chart and Freddie's timetable, please refer to part 8 of the INNUENDOES book.
        In the Mind Game or Fairy Tale as Freddie called it, there are two main characters the Phoenix and Lily. They appear as Spirits and whilst one plays the role of the Black Queen (Ahriman), the other plays the role of the White Queen (Ahura). And in short, both are trying to win over the Listener (of records) or the Reader (of books), in a bid to get them to follow either Good, or Evil. And the way in which they do this, is to advise you through Suggestive Thought in other words, a thought enters your head, and you either take the advice, or ignore the advice. This is known in part, as The Game, or the Mind Games.
        To make this story that bit more confusing both the Phoenix and Lily wear a Mask and behind the Mask lies the true identification of each Spirit. But however the Mask does not hide who the person, is but more, so what that person represents.
        Now obviously the Phoenix is Freddie but your task being either the Listener of Queen music or the Reader of the books is to work out who is who and why. To help you with this task and to make things that bit more interesting there are clues not only within the book INNUENDOES but also within Queen music. These clues are there to help you come to a decision and also to help you to unravel the riddle of Freddie's Fairy Tale. The INNUENDOES book has been written as simply as possible but for more information, references have been made to other areas such as other books.
        By the way, when you experiment with `RAZ which is also listed within this Website, don't forget to look out for the yellow door. This will lead you into a totally different world or "Another World" as Brian put it - and here, you will find even further clues to help you undo this riddle. Just ask someone in there, and they will tell you what you need to know. And if you do not understand what is being said to you, then email your questions, and an answer will be given to you.
        Where Queen music is concerned, some songs give direct clues as to Freddie's overall game, and these songs have been pointed out in the INNUENDOES book. And whilst some of the songs are aimed as advice for Lily, the rest of the songs either concern religious matters, and/or experiences linking to actual encounters between Freddie and Lily. In amongst the information found in the INNUENDOES book, are details of Freddie's experiences of life, which will help you to understand Freddie better, this also includes the spooky stuff that some of you already know about.  Also included within this book, are details of Queen and their active history as a pop group. And this information too, will help you unravel Freddie's so-called Fairy Tale.   Below are some very basic quotes taken from this book. 



Was he really Mr. Bad Guy???...

(1) In The Beginning - Introduction...

(6) Cosmic Battles...

(13) Bringing it to a Close???

Other book quotes below...

(14) Eleanor Rigby's Dream, the Game Planes

(15)  Eleanor Rigby's Dream, the Game Planes

(16) The Vortex Of Lost Souls...